Neuroscience / boil.:
JNEURO (Journal of Neuroscience)
PLOSCB (PLOS Computational Biology)
NATURE NEURO (Nature Neuroscience)
NATURE COMMS (Nature Communications)
Journal of Computational Neuroscience
Robotics / computer vision:
IEEETRO (IEEE Transactions on Robotics)
IJRR (International Journal of Robotics Research)
JFR (Journal of Field Robotics)
RAS (Robotics and Autonomous Systems)
IJCV (International Journal of Computer Vision)
PAMI (IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence)
AI, Brain-Inspired Computing, Cognitive Computing
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
Indoor Positioning, Navigation, LBS, CS:
NAVIGATION (Journal of the Institute of Navigation)
TMC (IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing)
PMC (Pervasive and Mobile Computing)
PUC (Personal and Ubiquitous Computing)
ESWA (Expert Systems with Applications)
Computers, Environments and Urban Systems
Journal of Location Based Services
IJGIS (International Journal of Geographical Information Science)
ISPRS Jounal of Photogrametry and Remote Sensing
TGARS (IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing)
IJRS (International Journal of Remote Sensing)
CaGIS (Cartography and Geographic Information Sciences)
TGRS (IEEE Transactions Geoscience and Remote Sensing)
IJ3DIM (International Journal of 3-D Information Modelling)
JOSIS (Journal of Spatial Information Science)
Spatial Cognition and Computation